If you've been on the Ketogenic diet for sometime or are early on in your Keto journey, you probably heard of 'BHB's,' but do you know what they are and why they are so important?
Today we'll discuss a little bit about what BHB's are, their importance on the Keto Diet, and the best way to get BHB's during your Keto journey.
What Are BHB's
Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB) is one of three unique ketone bodies that our body will produce when it's burning fat instead of carbs. BHB's are the most abundant ketones in our blood and used for energy due to its' stable molecular makeup.
When our bodies are in ketosis we begin using the BHB ketones for our energy source rather than using carbs.
BHB's and Keto
Our bodies have been using BHB's for energy since the dawn of our existence. As we read before, ketosis is the metabolic state in which our bodies begin to burn fat for fuel instead of carbs. As a result of this, ketone bodies, like BHB, are produced and provide us with clean, abundant energy.
BHB's are naturally produced by the liver during ketosis, but since the process is much slower, our bodies begin to feel hungry and fatigued. This is where BHB supplements help.
Getting The Right BHB's
We now know that our livers produce BHB's naturally during ketosis, but the process of creating BHB's is slow and causes us to feel hungry, fatigued, and even unfocused, due to the lack of energy, but there's a way to help.
BHB supplements like Complete BHB's help kick your body into ketosis and maintain peak performance for longer. Providing you with the full benefits of BHB, Complete BHB's increase ketone levels and mental clarity and help your body burn more fat by giving it the consistent energy needed to start the day.